To ensure the development of the industry, it is essential to invest in environmental protection and sustainable solutions. Plastic is not an enemy but a challenge that needs a solution. How mouldmakers should deal with it was the subject of the latest ISTMA webinar, held on June 27th: 'From Plastic Waste to Green Petrochemicals: the next generation'.
Ran Sharon, CEO of Clariter (ISTMA Global Partner), was the invited speaker, announced the solutions this company is putting into practice, in order to recover and give a new life to plastic waste.
Bob Williamson, ISTMA President, called the attention to the way the world looks at plastic. He referred Canada as an example, a country where the government has just listed plastic waste as a toxic substance. "We cannot ignore the plastic problem. We have to contribute to solve this problem because a world without plastic is not possible".
Ran Sharon stated "plastic is not the problem, but its waste". If we take waste to treat it and give it a new life, putting it back into the market, we are offering a solution to the market promoting circular economy.
"We care about the future of the industry, so we are providing this kind of support by being an ally to the mouldmakers and plastic processors ensuring environmental protection and sustainability", said Clariter's CEO. This subject isn't just about changing the way business is done, but above all "it's about changing mentalities".
Addressing to the mouldmakers, Ran Sharon stated that besides the plastic waste issue, companies are facing other challenges such as the dependency on crude oil or the increment of more and more restrictive legislation. Therefore, it is vital to invest in a circular solution. There's a need to recover waste and put it back into the value chain.
Clariter was created in 2003 and is based in Israel. Its first processing unit was established in Poland and a second one in South Africa. There are plans to install new units in different regions of the world in the next future.