Dear Friends and Colleagues
Message to ISTMA World
I'm sure that like most of you the last year has been beyond trying and maybe one of the most difficult years in our lives, just when we thought the end was in sight and we were optimistically looking forward to a return to normal it seems we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic.
It has been tough planning our business operations and maybe we underestimated the task of convincing people to take the vaccine, but I, like many others am hopeful that the end of this awful pandemic is in sight and the acute phase will end during 2022.
From this position of cautious optimism, the ISTMA world team has been putting together a programme for the 2022 calendar, making every effort to encourage and stimulate our networking activities. The ISTMA World board will be meeting early in January for final discussion and endorsement with the intention of rolling out the plan via a virtual meeting at the end of January.
May I now take the opportunity of wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and above all that you stay safe.
It is my sincere wish that we meet and greet each other in 2022.
Kind Best Wishes
Bob Williamson