ISTMA has just released the 2019 edition of ISTMA STATISTICAL YEAR BOOK with updated information about international trade in Tooling Industry. This publication presents statistical information about international trade and manufacturing on Tools, Dies and Moulds using an extensive graphical presentation and numerical tables as a prevailing support. This edition works under a new platform and data is available online in order to fully describe product and country industrial tooling dynamics.
The ISTMA STATISTICAL YEAR BOOK provides a detailed analysis of data concerning production, exports, imports and apparent market dimension as well as value unit indices for the most important classes of products in the industry under analysis:
• Injection and compression moulds for plastics;
• Mould tools for metal or metal carbides (excluding injection or compression types);
• Tools for pressing, stamping, punching and forming (Dies);
This analysis refers to production and international trade – values and quantities –, and based on international and national statistical data according to the most recent and detailed level of the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), PRODCOM2, or equivalent standards for the following indicators:
• production value (national currency, EUR and USD);
• production quantity in kg (unit prices);
• export and import values (national currency, EUR and USD);
• export and import quantities in kg (unit prices);
• apparent market consumption (national currency, EUR and USD)
Summing-up, the new edition of the "ISTMA Statistical Year Book" aims to provide useful information for a more comprehensive understanding of the global and present framework picture, delivering an additional tool, not only to understand the consequences of the present situation, but also to help recognizing the dynamics of the structural changes in the Industry worldwide.
To obtain access or additional information, please contact ISTMA